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Wisdom tooth is also known as the third molar. It is difficult to keep wisdom teeth clean. Food debris trapped around wisdom teeth due to unfavorable teeth position or impaction of wisdom teeth will cause problems such as inflammation, gum swelling, tooth decay and pain.
If wisdom tooth is fully erupted with no impaction, it can be extracted non-surgically. However, if the wisdom tooth is impacted, a minor oral surgery is indicated.
智慧齒脫牙如何收費?How much does extraction of wisdom tooth cost?
智慧齒脫牙的費用會因應拔除的方法而有所不同。手術型智慧齒脫牙收費約$5,000,而非手術型智慧齒脫牙收費約$2,000起。 For non-surgical extraction of wisdom tooth, it costs from $2,000. For surgical removal of wisdom tooth, it will be about $5,000.
智慧齒一定要脫嗎?Should all wisdom teeth be extracted?
如果您有智慧齒阻生或者無法保持智慧齒清潔,邁雋牙科的醫生建議您拔除智慧齒,以防止牙肉發炎、腫痛、蛀牙等口腔問題。 If you have an impacted wisdom tooth or have difficulty in keeping good oral hygiene around wisdom teeth area, then our dentists in MIAH Dental Care recommend you to extract the wisdom tooth to prevent problems such as inflammation, gum swelling, tooth decay and pain.
智慧齒脫牙後需要注意什麼?Any precaution after wisdom tooth extraction?
智慧齒脫牙後會有傷口,需要注意口腔清潔以避免發炎。邁雋牙科的醫生也建議病人不要吸煙,以免延遲傷口的癒合。 Good oral hygiene is recommended to prevent inflammation of the wisdom tooth extraction socket. Besides, our dentists in MIAH Dental Care also advise patients to stop smoking as it will delay wound healing.
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