Denture is a removable appliance which is used to replace missing teeth. Denture helps to restore chewing function, improve articulation, and regain confidence to smile.
There are mainly two types of dentures, which are acrylic base and cobalt chromium framework. Both are suitable for making complete denture or partial denture. Since the jawbone changes over time, dentures may become unfit. Therefore, regular check-up is needed so that our dentists in MIAH Dental Care can repair or remake a new denture.
牙托如何收費?How much do dentures cost?
膠托和鋼托的收費不同。膠托比較脆弱,所以裂開風險較高。此外,膠托的體積略大和厚,製造過程比較簡單,因此費用比較低,收費為$3,500起。鋼托較薄而堅固,配戴時比較舒適,製造過程複雜,所以費用比較高,收費為$7,000起。 The price is different for acrylic denture and cobalt chromium denture. Acrylic denture is more fragile thus risk of fracture is high. Besides, acrylic denture is bigger and thicker in size and needs a relatively shorter procedure to fabricate. Hence, acrylic denture has cheaper cost, which is from $3,500. On the other hand, cobalt chromium denture is relatively thinner and durable, and it requires more complicated procedures to fabricate. Hence, cobalt chromium denture has a higher price, which is from $7,000.
什麼時候訂製牙托最合適?When is the most suitable time to make denture?
牙床骨的收縮程度基本上在脫牙後的三個月已經穩定,此時就是訂製牙托最合適的時間。 The jawbone normally resorbs more and faster in the first 3 months after tooth extraction. So, it is advisable to make dentures 3 months after tooth extraction.
配戴牙托後需要注意什麼?Any precaution after wearing dentures?
每晚睡覺前除下牙托。每天用清潔劑和牙刷清潔牙托,並且用清水浸過夜。另外,我們建議病人定期讓邁雋牙科的醫生檢查牙托和洗牙。 Take off the denture before sleep every night. Clean the denture thoroughly with detergent and toothbrush, then soak the denture in water overnight. Besides, we recommend patients to visit MIAH Dental Care for dental check-up and scaling.
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