An artificial crown is a ‘cap’ that is placed on a tooth and mimics a real tooth crown. It can restore original shape and function of teeth, improve appearance of teeth, and protect teeth from fracture.
MIAH Dental Care provides different types of materials for making artificial crown, including full porcelain and porcelain fused to metal.
A bridge is a fixed prosthesis that replaces one or more teeth. It can prevent drifting of neighboring teeth, prevent abnormal bite, restore teeth functions, and improve appearance.
Our dentists in MIAH Dental Care will provide different types of bridges according to patients’ needs, such as conventional bridge or resin bonded bridge.
牙冠和牙橋如何收費?How much does crown and bridge cost?
每種牙冠物料和牙橋種類的價錢都不同,收費$5,500起。 The price, depending on different crown materials and types of bridge, is from $5,500.
牙冠和牙橋需要經常更換嗎?Is it necessary to remake crown and bridge regularly?
如果牙冠和牙橋沒有損壞就不需要更換。It is not necessary to remake the crown and bridge if there is no damage.
鑲配牙冠或牙橋後需要注意什麼?Any precaution after insertion of crown and bridge?
鑲配牙冠或牙橋後需要注意飲食,避免吃堅硬的食物。除此之外,在沒有杜牙根的牙齒鑲上牙冠或牙橋後有可能感到牙齒酸軟敏感。這些不適會隨著時間減少。但是,如果牙齒敏感持續或加劇,有可能是牙髓受損引起牙髓炎的徵狀,請回來找邁雋牙科的牙醫檢查及治理。 Try to avoid eating hard food after insertion of crown and bridge as it may cause fracture. Sometimes, teeth sensitivity may be experienced after insertion of crown and bridge, but it usually only lasts for a short period of time. However, if teeth sensitivity persists or worsens, please don’t hesitate to consult our dentists in MIAH Dental Care.
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