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Pearly white teeth for a better smile.
Teeth whitening aims to restore normal color of teeth and improve appearance.
Our dentists in MIAH Dental Care use safe and professional teeth whitening agents to lighten stains and colors on teeth surfaces.
牙齒美白如何收費?How much does teeth whitening cost?
牙齒美白分為兩種,家居美白和診所藍光美白,價錢由$1,500起至$6,500。 There are two types of teeth whitening, home whitening and in-office whitening. The price is ranging from $1,500 to $6,500.
牙齒美白的效果可以維持多久? How long can the effect of teeth whitening last?
牙齒美白一般可以維持3至6個月,需要重複接受治療以長期保持亮白的效果。 Normally the effect of teeth whitening can last for 3 to 6 months. Regular teeth whitening treatment is needed for a better and long-lasting effect.
牙齒美白後需要注意什麼?Any precaution after teeth whitening?
飲食和生活習慣需要調整,例如減少飲用咖啡、奶茶、紅酒等。邁雋牙科的醫生也建議病人戒煙,因為上述的習慣都會牙齒影響美白的效果。 Modifications on daily diet and habits are required, such as reducing intake of coffee, tea or red wine. Our dentists in MIAH Dental Care also recommend patients to quit smoking as it affects the whitening effect.
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