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The common reasons for dentists to recommend a tooth extraction: severely decayed tooth, mobile tooth due to gum disease, or for orthodontics purposes.
1. 非手術型脫牙﹕適用於正常長出、沒有蛀牙或崩裂的牙齒
2. 手術型脫牙﹕適用於有嚴重蛀洞、阻生、牙根形狀特殊、牙床骨缺乏彈性而造成牙根斷裂的牙齒
Tooth extraction can be divided into two categories
1. Non-surgical tooth extraction: suitable for fully erupted teeth without decay or fracture.
2. Surgical tooth extraction: suitable for tooth with severe decay, impaction, complicated morphology of roots, or root fracture due to hard jawbone.
脫牙收費如何? How much does tooth extraction cost?
脫牙一般收費由$600起。如果手術性脫牙價格會比較貴,由$1,000起。 Normally tooth extraction costs about $600. However, if surgical extraction is needed, it will be at least $1,000.
脫牙後需要注意什麼?Any precaution after tooth extraction?
脫牙後會有傷口,需要注意口腔清潔以避免發炎。邁雋牙科的醫生也建議病人不要吸煙,以免延遲傷口的癒合。 Good oral hygiene is recommended to prevent inflammation of the tooth extraction socket. Besides, our dentists in MIAH Dental Care also advise patients to stop smoking as it will delay wound healing.
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