Root canal therapy can remove bacteria and disinfect root canal in order to prevent further spread of infections inside a tooth. This treatment can maximize the chance of preserving a tooth.
If the bacteria from tooth decay infects the pulp, then inflammation, pain, tooth abscess and necrosis of pulp may happen.
Root canal therapy requires a minimum of TWO visits. Please follow the dietary instructions from our dentists in MIAH Dental Care before completion of therapy in order to prevent tooth fracture.
杜牙根如何收費?How much does root canal therapy cost?
杜牙根的收費會依據牙根管的數量和治療每條牙根管的難度而有所不同。大致上,門牙約$4,000、小臼齒約$5,500、大牙$6,500起。 It depends on the tooth canal complexity and number of canals. Normally, price for front teeth is about $4,000, for premolar $5,500, and for molars from $6,500.
杜牙根後需要注意什麼?Any precaution after root canal therapy?
儘量不要吃太硬的食物,因為杜牙根後的牙齒比較脆弱。邁雋牙科的醫生會建議病人鑲配牙套,以保護已杜牙根的牙齒。 If possible, try to avoid eating or biting on hard food as root treated tooth is more fragile. Our dentists in MIAH Dental Care would recommend patients to make a crown in order to prevent the tooth from fracture.
除了杜牙根還有其他治療方案嗎?Is there any other treatment alternatives for root canal therapy?
如果細菌已經侵入牙髓,想保存牙齒的唯一方法只有杜牙根。 If the bacteria have infected the pulp, then the only way to preserve the tooth is by doing root canal therapy.
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