[口腔疾病 /Oral disease]
有牙齦紅腫和口臭要怎麼辦? What should I do if have swollen gums and bad breath?

有牙齦紅腫和口臭要怎麼辦? What should I do if have swollen gums and bad breath?

有牙齦紅腫和口臭要怎麼辦? What should I do if have swollen gums and bad breath?


Swollen gums and bad breath may be caused by severe gum diseases. 


Dental plaque and calculus are the main causes of gum disease. The accumulation of dental plaque and calculus cause gingivitis (mild gum disease). If no appropriate treatment is provided, gingivitis will further develop to severe gum disease (periodontitis).


In severe cases, periodontitis can lead to gum recession, widening of space between teeth, mobile teeth, or even loss of teeth.


1. 洗牙 Scaling


To remove calculus and dental plaque around the gum margin

2. 牙根刮治(深層清潔) Root surface debridement (Deep scaling)


To remove calculus and dental plaque of the root surfaces

3. 牙周手術 Periodontal surgery


A gingival flap is raised to clean the root surfaces that is difficult to access


To minimize the risks of suffering from severe gum diseases, please visit our dentists in MIAH Dental Care for check-up and treatment if you have gum disease symptoms.