[口腔疾病 /Oral disease]
為什麼我戴假牙托後上頜感到痛楚? Why do I feel painful in upper jaw after wearing denture?

為什麼我戴假牙托後上頜感到痛楚? Why do I feel painful in upper jaw after wearing denture?

為什麼我戴假牙托後上頜感到痛楚? Why do I feel painful in upper jaw after wearing denture?


This condition may be caused by denture induced stomatitis. Oral mucosa can be infected by fungus after having direct contact with dentures. Upper jaw is the commonly affected area.

風險因素Risk factors﹕

1. 假牙托不合適 Wearing unfit denture

2. 假牙托沒有清潔乾淨 Denture is NOT cleaned thoroughly

3. 沒有每晚除下假牙托  NOT taking off denture every night before sleep

徵狀 Symptoms﹕

1. 口腔黏膜出現紅點 Rash appears on oral mucosa

2. 口腔黏膜脫屑現象 Desquamation on oral mucosa

3. 患處發脹和疼痛 Swelling and painful in affected area

治療方法 Treatment﹕

1. 約見邁雋牙科的醫生作檢查,如有臨床需要我們的醫生會處方漱口水

Visit our dentists in MIAH Dental Care for examination. Our dentists may prescribe medicated mouthwash if clinically indicated.

2. 每晚睡覺前除下假牙托

 Take off the denture before sleep every night.

3. 每天用清潔劑和牙刷清潔假牙托,並且用清水浸過夜

Clean the denture thoroughly with detergent and toothbrush, then soak the denture in water overnight.