Generally speaking, you should visit a dentist for dental check-up once per year.
However, the following people with high risk or special needs should visit dentist twice per year or more often:
1. 患有嚴重口腔疾病人士﹕例如有嚴重蛀牙或牙周病
Patients with severe oral diseases: for example, suffered from severe tooth decay or gum diseases
2. 吸煙人士﹕吸煙者患牙周病的機會比非吸煙者高5倍或以上
Smokers: it was estimated that smokers may have over 5 times of risk than non-smokers of developing gum diseases
3. 患有系統性疾病人士﹕例如糖尿病、血友病、愛滋病等會影響免疫系統的疾病
Patients with systemic diseases: for example, Diabetes Mellitus, Haemophilia or AIDS. These diseases have negative impacts on immune system
4. 頭部和頸部曾接受電療的人士﹕電療可能引致唾液分泌減少、口腔黏膜發炎等後遺症
Patients who have received radiotherapy in the head and neck region: radiotherapy may cause sequela such as reduced saliva secretion and inflammation of oral mucosa.
5. 弱能人士﹕自理能用較弱
Mentally handicapped individuals: poor self-care
Our dentists in MIAH Dental Care may also provide you with an individualized check-up plan based on your clinical condition. Please follow the schedule for the sake of your health.