[牙齒小知識 Oral knowledge]
使用 “假牙清潔片” 來保養假牙足夠嗎? Is using denture cleaning tablet enough for keeping my denture?

使用 “假牙清潔片” 來保養假牙足夠嗎? Is using denture cleaning tablet enough for keeping my denture?

使用 “假牙清潔片” 來保養假牙足夠嗎?  Is using denture cleaning tablet enough for keeping my denture?

“假牙清潔片”的有效成份通常是一種叫鹼性過氧化物類 (Alkaline Peroxide)的化學物。這種化學物溶水後會產生氣泡,這些氣泡可以幫助清潔假牙托上的食物殘渣及牙菌膜。

The common active ingredient of denture cleaning tablets is a group of chemicals called alkaline peroxide. When these chemicals dissolve in water, gas bubbles are formed. These bubbles may be able to remove food debris and plaques adhered on the denture.


However, scientific researches shown that the cleaning effect of the gas bubbles formed by denture cleaning tablets were less effective than brushing denture with detergents. Hence, our MIAH dental team recommends you to clean your denture with detergent every night, and use denture cleaning tablets as an adjunct if needed.